In order to understand the significance of the list included further below, you must first understand one very important fact about me. I have an absolutely terrible memory, and nowhere is this more obvious than when it comes to books. While reading I remember what is happening and all the details, but once I am done I am left with almost no recollection of the story, or the fact I read the book at all after a short time. The reason I bring this up is to highlight just how special these two books are. They are the few that have lasted through the 14 years of my reading career and firmly cemented themselves a place in my brain. Both of these books are a masterpiece of their respective genera, a touchstone to inspire writing for many, many decades to come. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . To begin the list, we start with a children's book, or at least what appears to be a children's book. See the this book is written in a style for children, with bright colo...