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There my blog post has the word tragedy right there in the title! Mission complete. Thanks folks for showing up and seeing me accomplish this feat. You were a great crowd, I love you, have a great night, drive safe.

But anyway... Tragedy stories are a concept I have little experience with. Besides the few we read here at school, and possibly an occasional cautionary fairy tail along the way, I have just not read many. I think this is partially due to my preference in pleasure reading books, (terrible 70s science fiction novels) and just not a huge interest in this kind of story. I enjoy seeing happy endings, or at most someone failing because they deserve it. However the tragedy is marked by the fall from grace through fate, and that is often a painful thing to watch. It reminds you that no matter how good your life and situation seems, suddenly it could all go away without much of your own input. They remind us all that life can be cruel and unfair at any time.

At this point however, I am somewhat running out of things to talk about that sound relatively smart and relate to tragedies, so I am going to ask you, the reader a few questions. Feel free to answer in the comments below because you all know we need to leave 5 comments, so these should be some easy ones.

1. How is your day going today? Are you doing well? What is the coolest thing that has happened this week?

2. What animal are you the best at drawing? Imagine you are asked at gunpoint by aliens to draw an animal and it has to look half decent, which one do you choose?

3. What is your favorite flavor of bagel and why? Additionally where is your favorite place to procure these bagels?

I hope you have enjoyed this exciting installment in my blog post history. Feel free to leave whatever comments strike your fancy, I may or may not read them. Have a wonderful day and a nice life. Goodbye!


  1. I like poppy seed bagels from Nantucket Bakery in Grand Rapids.

  2. Sam, I enjoyed your reflection on why you don't often read tragedies - while I wouldn't say I read them avidly myself, I have been reading more of them more often lately (AP Lang and Lit probably caused that). I would be curious to see how your overall assessment of tragedies has changed after reading King Lear.

    Also, I could probably draw a half-decent dog if I was made to at gunpoint.

  3. I have a really hard time with a tragic ending too, as I am a complete sucker for an unrealistically happy ending. I do not like the idea that a perfectly good and normal life can twist into something so horrible, so quickly, so I prefer not to think about it. Instead I also prefer to think about bagels, especially the whole grain bagel from Good Earth, toasted with plain cream cheese (with a cup of vegetarian chili to go along with it.)

  4. I love the Good Stuff bagel from the Good Earth!! I understand why you wouldn't want to read tragedies. Happy endings are much more enjoyable. I agree with this, and I just recognize so much tragedy in real life that I can't control seeing that why would I want to subject myself to the sadness of reading one? Sad stuff is tough.


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